Laurel Leaf Willow
Salix pentandra
50 mm $145.00 80 mm $245.00 60 mm $160.00 90 mm $265.00 70 mm $205.00 100 mm $300.00
An upraight rounded tree valued for it's shiny green foliage that stays on the tree late in the season then turns golden yellow. Fast growing, excellent for quick screen or park. Easy to grow. Great specimen for moist locations.
Golden Willow
Salix vitellina
50 mm $145.00 80 mm $245.00 60 mm $160.00 90 mm $265.00 70 mm $205.00 100 mm $300.00
Fast growing tree with glossy green leaves turning yellow in fall. Held on bright yellow stems. Prefers moist locations. Great sheltervelt, park or large landscape specimen.